Təhsil müəssisəsinin adı
Cəfər Cabbarlı 44, Caspian Plaza, 3-cü korpus, 11-ci mərtəbə (Nizami metrosunun yaxınlığında)
How to score 7 and above in IELTS in the shortest time possible
Choose the right IELTS course that suits us the best.
Don’t let amateurs attract you to their trial and error classes; this can waste your time and money and leave you with a bad impression about IELTS.
Our recommendation for you is to work with only real experts with successful resume, those who themselves have scored the highest possible (9) in IELTS.
In British Educational Center, we cater your needs with best facilities and resources. Our expert team of trainers is unique in Baku. You can try a free session with us and see it for yourself
In a word, poor result in exam; your money back.
(+994) 12 555-13-30
(+994) 70 280-90-09
(+994) 70 281-90-09
(+994) 70 282-90-09
[email protected]